We head in to Cooper Island Beach Club, have a 2 for 1 Cooper Dream thanks to the "coupons" in our "Drinking Mans Guide To The BVI's" book and walk the grounds for a bit.
There is little to no wind at first but then the wind kicked up.....ok, well, it got above 5 knots or so. Therefore, we raise the sails and sail for a bit at about 3-4 knots. This is Josh and Pam's first experience at being under power by solely the wind. We weren't breaking any speed records but it was nice to just cruise along in silence.
Trellis Bay, Beef Island (Norman Island to Trellis via Cooper: 16.2 miles)
N18.26.866 W64.30.965
We chill on the boat at Trellis trying to stay out of the sun.....all 4 of us are cooking.
We call Marine Cay (pronounced "key") to check into their shuttle/ferry boat schedule for a ride to check out the much acclaimed "one-man band", Michael Bean. We get bad news and more bad news....the last ferry FROM Marina Cay leaves at 6:30 and Michael Bean only plays Sunday to Thursday.
(The following was posted in a separate blog earlier, but have since decided to move it here for continuity)
Not long after being on the ball do we notice several dolphins in the mooring field.
Josh jumped in with a snorkel and mask and was swimming along side of them. He said there
That was the good news of the day....the bad news is I (my underwater camera) lost all those photos and video, along with most of the prior two days worth of photos. I had a really great underwater video while swimming along side the "papa" dolphin...he turned right in front of me, looked into the camera and stalled....just floated....incredible. While trying to download my pictures from the camera to the laptop there was a "glitch" and in short, lost a lot of pics...oh well, move on. At least we have photos from Josh's camera.
We decide that since the seas are very flat to dink over to Marina Cay to show Josh and Pam the island and do it on our own schedule.
After the Marina Cay tour we clean up and make reservations at The Last Resort, a restaurant on it's own island in the middle of the "anchorage".
We head over to the restaurant and each have 4 fantastic meals. Soon after finishing, a band starts up and challenges the patrons to "name that band".
Apparently I missed the part about guessing the band wrong will earn you 5 shots of Tequila. Well...I yelled Ramons to an Eurithmics song and was sternly called to the stage for my shots and personal mic to sing the song......terrific....lights out early for Bryan.