We dropped the ball in Setting Point, Anegada at 9:55 and raise the rags as soon as we exit the channel.
We were planning to overnight at Diamond Cay, but when we got there, all the balls were taken and with the overcast, it was tough to tell what was sand on the bottom vs. grass, ect. So we opted for Little Harbour, Jost Van Dyke.

We head to the dinghy dock and check out Sidney's Peace and Love Restaurant and Bar.
There is not much at this stop, just Sydney's and Harris' Place. Abe's is across the mooring field.
We go inside Sydney's and make a few drinks at the "self serve bar". We get a constant hard sell to eat here tonight, and eventually give in.
We hang at Sidney's for a bit...make some more drinks and write them down as we go. The girls window shop the gift store, but other then that...it's a quiet place. With the place not "hopping with activity" we can feel the consequences from the prior 2 nights on Anegada setting in. Therefore, we all decide to just chill on Kokomo after dinner and watch a movie.
Dinner was so-so...wouldn't do it again. After which we pop Talladega Nights into the laptop and wire the sound through the boat speakers. It was a good night to "recharge the batteries".
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