On the right side of this page you will see a series of "triangles and dates". It's best if you expand the tree to show all the dates as shown below:
Then from there click on the OLDEST date. May 18th to May 22nd for the Passport Debacle story or May 24th to June 3rd for the "Trip Report/Blog"
Once you have read a post/blog, the easiest way to the next blog in succession is to click the link at the bottom of the post in the lower left side. Like here:
Also, some of the blog was written while on 'ilon. Since returning, I added some text and photos to several of those posts. Text in blue italic was written after. Sometimes I had to blog days after and have since changed the date to keep continuity of the report.
After trip items of note.
- Loved Anegada once again. Might even do 3 days next time...still felt rushed even with 2 days.
- Have done 2 days in North Sound in 2000, 2005 and this time. Just don't see a need. Maybe if we rented a jeep to see VG, but other then that BEYC is turning into a "been there, done that" location. Saba Rock still has a place in my heart, but not sure I would overnight there or Leverick next time. Who knows.
- A boat with A/C is looking better and better every time. With NO wind at night it was really tough to sleep in the heat.
- I forgot how much I enjoy sailing until that last day with 25+ knot winds...whoo hoo!
- Bring 11 bathings suits next time.
- Taking a hardside cooler and 2 softsided was easy. Next time I'll go for the 5 day Coleman eXtreme cooler.
- Keeping ice as ice is a 24hr job.
- Because of #7, next time I'll do more can beer and less mix drinks. Mix drinks were not enjoyable when the ice melts within 3 minutes. We over provisioned on the "mixed drinks"
- Speaking of ice, we bought 43 bags of ice during our 10 days. At an average cost $4/bag thats $172 just in ice.
- We used roughly 22 gallons of diesel even with little to no wind in the first 5 days. I wrote the engine hours down at the start of our trip and at the time of writing this I can't find where I wrote down the final engine hours.
- Stomach bugs suck.
- Went ~150 miles with Kokomo.

Great log of your trip. Thanks for sharing.
Just wish you could find a way to leave out all of the comments on the high price of everything. BVIs are a relatively inexpensive place to visit. All of the food and drink has to get there the same way you do.
$50-75 per person for drinks and a meal is really cheap anywhere in the world, just so you know.
Thanks for the comment but let me clearify that the intention was not about highlighting the "high price" of goods.
We are aware and prepared to pay extra for items due to the logistics to get such items into the BVIs.
I/We were poking fun at ourselves in the amount we were spending at each "watering hole"...nobody forced us to buy many drinks....we just did.
But lets also not kid ourselves....a vacation in the BVI's will be more expensive then one taken in Florida. I've chartered sail boats in the BVI's 3 times and have written 3 Trip reports...I have always written the good, the bad and the ugly.
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